Welcome! We hope this feels like a space you can take a deep breath. You are loved, just as you are. Full stop. We breathe in. And out. God’s love is here. May we practice love so we can embody Jesus’ love in our daily lives, relationships & justice work.
(*) You are invited to rise in body or spirit
Want to join our email list, meet with Pastor Jenny, share a prayer request, or sign up for an upcoming event? Fill out a green Connect Card! Available by the door or at this QR code.
Welcome | Community Life
Invitation to Centering | Prelude
*Call to Worship
Come and follow Christ
to the places where the heavens and earth meet.
The Holy is so near.
When we are weary or afraid,
when we question the path ahead,
Christ reveals the Sacred with us.
We never go alone.
As close as our own breath,
God is here.
*Vision of Faith
We are all God’s People! We are called by Christ to ministries of love, justice and reconciliation with our church, community and world!
*Song | God of Grace & God of Glory – Red Book 577
Kids Connect
Special Music | MUMC Choir
Scripture | Luke 6:27-38 CEB
Message | The Grief of Change: Justice
Song | Let There Be Peace on Earth – Red Book 431
Joys & Concerns | Prayer – Sharon Cooper | Lord’s Prayer
Song | What Does the Lord Require of You – Black Book 2174
Offering + Prayer
Holy One, when we gather together to linger in your Sacred presence, we are transformed. You provide us with all that we need to live lives of meaning, connection, and healing. For these gifts, we give you thanks. Lead us from these places of restoration back into the places where the world is aching and guide us in collective pursuit of your justice. Amen.
*Closing Song | We Are Called – Black Book 2172
Benediction | Postlude
You’re invited to say hello after worship and enjoy coffee and snacks.
Community Notes
Children + Youth: All children & youth are invited to Sunday School following Kids Connect during the service. After worship, their adults can pick them up in Hermann Hall.
Connect: When and if you feel ready to explore more, we’d love to hear more of your story and help you find a place to make friends and grow in faith. Contact Pastor Jenny at jenny@morningsideumc.org or 425-299-3049 to ask questions or schedule a time to chat!
New to Morningside? You’re welcome to join us for pizza with Pastor Jenny after worship today. Childcare provided.
Ash Wednesday Services: All are invited to receive ashes on their forehead in a meaningful service that begins our Lenten journey. Wednesday, March 5 at 12:00 or 7:00 pm at Salem First UMC.
New Groups Begin March 9: Reflect on scripture with Kelly Raths, play video games in the youth space, or reflect on the invitations of aging with Karna Johnson & Sam Kinney. Groups meet at 9:00 right before worship.
morningsideumc.org | 503-364-5013 | Monday-Thursday, 10-3